Friday, October 31, 2008

Weekly Witness for October 31st

Don't Forget To Vote!

You've heard it dozens of times already, but it can't be said enough...make sure you vote on November 4th [or earlier if your state allows it]. YOUR ballot could make the difference at all levels of our government--especially in states like California, Arizona, and Florida where marriage equality is at stake. Stand up for LGBT rights this Election Day!

Faith-Based Community Organizing

Earlier this year, Integrity offered a series of 5 Inclusion Activism workshops around the country. These training events were highly successful—providing 90 participants from 35 dioceses with concrete information about "how the Episcopal Church works" and practical skills for "how to work the Episcopal Church." As a result, many more LGBT Episcopalians and straight allies have been motivated and equipped to make our denomination one where all the sacraments are open to all the baptized.

Integrity recently entered into partnership with the Institute for Welcoming Resources to offer an ecumenical series of training workshops titled Faith-Based Community Organizing.
The new curriculum is similar to Inclusion Activism, but has broader goals and teaches a different tool kit. It's designed to enable local leaders to change hearts and minds by building respectful and honest relationships. The workshop ideal for Episcopalians who want to...
  • make their congregation more welcoming and inclusive
  • start or grow a congregational circle
  • form or strengthen a local chapter or network
  • move their diocese forward on LGBT issue

We challenge all local chapter, network, and circle leaders to attend one of these training events over the next year!

Although these training events are sponsored by particular LGBT denominational advocacy groups, they are open to Episcopalians and inclusion activists from all denominations.

Visit these links for more information...

With Liberty and Justice for ALL SAINTS

As we celebrate All Saints Day, lets think about how to reach all the saints in our pews. Integrity intends to put out a quarterly publication--Integrity Reflections--of homily and adult education ideas to promote inclusion and to challenge us all to meet the challenges that Jesus has set forth for us.

To accomplish this we need your help. If you have a sermon or a topic suggestions for any lectionary theme or for any scripture reading, please share it!

Ultimately it would be our dream to gather reflection ideas for the full lectionary cycle. These would fall into two equally important categories:

  1. Ways in which inclusion can be communicated.
  2. Ways in which LGBT people of faith can live more fully into Gospel.

You can contribute to Integrity Reflections without spending a penny. Just send us your ideas. These can be in the form of homily ideas or perhaps discussion generating questions like "What did Jesus say to LGBT people when he said..."

Send your ideas to Neil Houghton at

Action Alerts

Love Makes A Family: Show this photo/text exhibit in your parish or diocese.

Take the P3 Challenge! Invite your congregation to become a Proud Parish Partner of Integrity. Put an Integrity banner or button on your parish website.

Now accepting applications! We're looking for a half-time General Convention project manager and a volunteer treasurer.

Be It Resolved: Submit resolutions to your diocesan convention. Report resolutions that that have already been submitted or considered. The photo on the right shows John-Albert and Ernie at the Diocese of Connecticut's convention on October 25th.

Sound off! Take a survey to to let us know that types of General Convention resolutions would be most effective at moving the Episcopal Church beyond B033 and forward on marriage equality.

Voices of Witness Africa: Your donation is needed to help finish this ground-breaking DVD.

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