Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Another Spin On Canadian House Of Bishops Statement

Canada's Anglican bishops delay action on gay issues
By Kevin Eckstrom, Religion News Service

Bishops of the Anglican Church of Canada say they are unlikely to act on requests from several dioceses to approve blessings for same-sex unions or marriages, deferring the issue until the church's General Synod in 2010.

At least four dioceses — Ottawa, Montreal, Niagara and Huron — have asked for permission to bless same-sex relationships in Canada, where same-sex civil marriages were legalized in 2005. Those moves, along with similar action by the Episcopal Church, have angered more conservative members of the worldwide Anglican Communion.

On Friday (Oct. 31), the Canadian church's House of Bishops agreed to delay 'with the greatest extent possible' any action on same-sex blessings until the entire church can weigh in at the 2010 convention."

Click here to read the rest!

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