Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Bishop Gene Robinson on prophets, Prop 8 and progress

By Tony Grew
Pink News
November 25, 2008 - 15:06

Gene Robinson is a calming presence. The world feels less dangerous when you talk to him, and evils such as racism and homophobia seem less threatening and somehow distant.

The Bishop of New Hampshire seems never to tire of being the gay Anglican leader, a man sought after by press and public alike because he is out on a world that seems wedded to keeping people in the closet, with their mouths shut.

Bishop Robinson may be a figure of controversy for some in the Anglican communion, but for millions of others he is an inspirational voice.

He is more than a turbulent priest or a poster boy for gay rights - Gene Robinson is a man of God.
He visited London earlier this month to collect Stonewall's Hero of the Year Award, and found time to speak to His quiet faith was evident as he talked prophets, Prop 8 and progress.

Read the rest at Interview: Bishop Gene Robinson on prophets, Prop 8 and progress - from Pink News - all the latest gay news from the gay community

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