Wednesday, November 19, 2008

'Laramie' spurs talk by Robinson

Monadnock Ledger-Transcript Staff
November 18. 2008 9:05AM

RINDGE, NH-- The Episcopal bishop of New Hampshire, Gene Robinson, gave a series of presentations at ConVal High School Thursday as part of the school theater's production of the controversial 'Laramie Project.'

The play consists of a reenactment of actual interviews with residents of Laramie, Wyo., following the torture and murder of Matthew Shepard, an openly gay university student, in 1998. Robinson folded the subject matter of the play into the story of his own experiences as the first openly gay bishop. As an advocate for gay and civil rights, Robinson has developed a friendship with Shepard's mother, Judy.

'She took the horrific tragedy of her son's death and turned it into a wonderful quest for civil rights,' said Robinson.

Full article: Ledger-Transcript Article - 'Laramie' spurs talk by Robinson

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