Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Pastoral resource issued for same-gender couples counseling

By Lisa B. Hamilton

[Episcopal News Service] A Province I task force has issued "a pastoral resource for Province I Episcopal clergy ministering to same-sex couples."

The document is the first of its kind in the Episcopal Church.

The report was accepted at the Province I synod held November 21 at St.

Paul's Episcopal Church in Concord, New Hampshire with a resolution stating that its "use is to be determined by diocesan bishops."

The document consists of four parts: an historical and theological overview of same-gender unions; an exploration of issues specific to same-gender couples and their congregations; a statement of legalities, which vary from state-to-state; and a framework for counseling same-gender couples who desire a public commitment. An appendix of websites, books, documents and other resources is also included in the report.

Full story: http://www.episcopalchurch.org/81803_103018_ENG_HTM.htm


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