Monday, December 22, 2008

Episcopalian bishop asserts critics hooked on gay unions

Journal Gazette
Fort Wayne, Indiana
Sylvia A. Smith
Published: December 20, 2008 3:00 a.m.

WASHINGTON – Sexuality is part of the Episcopal Church's mission, but it’s not the main focus, the head of the denomination in the U.S. said.

In fact, Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori said, "when we turn it into the whole of our mission, we've created an idol. And some parts of the Anglican communion have responded to it like an idol."

Some members of the Episcopal Church have announced they want to start a second branch of the denomination in the U.S., largely because of the church's ordination of a gay bishop and some bishops’ approval of same-sex unions.

Asked at a National Press Club speech whether the biblical institutions for marriage apply to same-sex couples, Jefferts Schori replied with some sarcasm:

"Oh, which biblical institutions for marriage? Solomon’s many, many, many wives? The concubines? The slaves who bore children for their male masters? There are some very odd images of family life in the Bible. And when people talk about family values, I want to know which ones."

She said the Episcopal Church as a whole hasn't reached a conclusion about same-sex unions, but "we're at least asking hard questions," she said.

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1 comment:

  1. Note that she said "the Episcopal Church as a whole hasn't reached a conclusion about same-sex unions" - how can we get TEC there at the next General Convention? Bart (and Tony!)


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