Saturday, December 13, 2008

Voting FAQs

Yesterday's Weekly Witness included an announcement about electronic voting on changes to the national bylaws. After that announcement, staff began sending voting instructions to all eligible voters whose email addresses are on file. Voters have since raised a couple of recurring queries...

Q: I successfully logged into the eBallot system using the URL, username, and password provided--but it says, "There are no ballots that you can vote on at this moment." Why can't I see the ballot?

A: The polls do not open until Monday at midnight Eastern Time. You will be able to see the ballot and vote at that time.

Q: What provision has been made for members who don't have Internet access?

A: All members who have not provided Integrity with an email address were sent a postcard with voting instructions. The postcard says, among other things, "If you do not have access to the Internet, you may cast your vote via telephone by calling Integrity's toll-free number [800-462-9498] between 8:30 am and 5:30 pm Eastern Time, Monday through Friday."

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