Friday, December 19, 2008

Weekly Witness For December 19th

David Cupps Elected New Treasurer

Jeff Martinhauk resigned as Integrity's Treasurer a few months ago to concentrate on his senior year of seminary. The national board of directors invited qualified members to apply for the position. The board received applications from 3 well-qualified candidates, all of whom were interviewed by telephone. Last Wednesday, during its monthly conference call, the board unanimously elected David Cupps of Lexington, Kentucky, to serve as Treasurer for the remainder of the current term. David takes office immediately. He can be reached at Below is his impressive resume...

David Cupps is the Executive Director of Arts Kentucky, a statewide arts advocacy and resource development organization (a 501(c)(3)). He gathers information about the arts from local, statewide and national sources and disseminates it weekly to artists and arts organizations across the state. He also leads and trains artists and arts organizations across the state in advocacy with elected officials and other policy makers.

David served as a Development Director for 5 years, including time as Development Director for the Episcopal Diocese of Lexington. He is an experienced grant-writer. Before that, he was a Financial Advisor for 6 years. His schooling includes 2 years of seminary.

Episcopal life and experience
David joined the Episcopal Church in the late 90’s, after being brought up in the United Methodist Church. He has served on two Vestries, serving both as Treasurer for multiple years at St. Michael’s and St. Martha’s (Lexington KY).

Integrity has been an important part of his church experience, as he helped in the original formation of St. Michael’s chapter around 2002, and he has been instrumental in re-forming the group in the past year after it became inactive. David attended the Claiming the Blessing weekend in St. Louis about 5 years ago.

Non-profit experience
A veteran of non-profit groups, David currently serves on these boards:
• Actors Guild of Lexington
• Association of Fundraising Professionals (Bluegrass Chapter) (president-elect)
• Integrity of Lexington
• VOICES of Kentuckiana (LGBT chorus)

In addition, he has served on other community and national boards:
• AIDS Volunteers of Lexington (2-term president)
• Kentucky Fairness Alliance (Treasurer)
• Sigma Theta Epsilon national fraternity (national President)
• Cedar Hill Retreat Center (founding Treasurer)
• Mothers Celebrating Recovery (founding member)

Other Skills and Background
David has used QuickBooks with his non-profit activities for about 12 years, including those with payroll. He served on the Diocesan committee that oversees a multi-million dollar endowment. He is a member of the Kentucky Peer Advisory Network, where he consults with arts groups in long-range strategic planning and financial governance. David lives in Lexington with his partner Ross, an attorney and former Vestry member at their church, Church of the Resurrection (Jessamine County, KY). Besides his full-time job, David also consults in fundraising, web design, and non-profit management.

Bylaws Voting Begins

Online polls opened last Monday on whether to ratify changes to Integrity's national bylaws. Click here to read more about what is being altered and why!

To date, only 6% of eligible voters have cast their ballot. If your membership dues were current as of November 25th, you should have received voting instructions by e-mail [if we have your e-mail address on file] or by postcard [if we don't]. If you believe you are eligible to vote but do not receive voting instructions--of if you have trouble voting--please contact our office via email [] or phone [800-462-9498]. Staff can cast your vote for you if you wish. Polls close on February 15th.

Last-Minute Gift Idea

Give the gift of Integrity! Click here to make a donation to Integrity in honor or in memory of someone special. We will notify your honoree of your gift and make him/her of a member of Integrity for one year. Your contribution is tax-deductible.

Rochester Office Closed For The Holidays

The national headquarters in Rochester, New York, will close on Christmas Eve and reopen on January 5th so that our two full-time employees--Acting Executive Director John Clinton Bradley and Development Coordinator R. Bruce Colburn--can enjoy a much-deserved Yuletide vacation. The staff wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

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