Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Anaheim Appeal Announcement

Epiphany 2009

Dear Integrity members & friends:

I am writing to announce the launch of "The Anaheim Appeal," the fundraising effort to support our work in and around General Convention this summer. As with the Canterbury Campaign, our goal is to raise all anticipated expenses to support our presence at and participation in the convention—from the exhibit hall to the press room to legislative sessions.

To provide the support we desire to give to our volunteers, and to equip the convention team with what it needs to be fully effective, we have set a goal of $80,000. We are aware, of course, of the many troubling indicators about the present state of the country's economy. So, please be assured that we are making every effort to keep the costs of our ministry in Anaheim as modest as possible without sacrificing either the effectiveness of the effort or the level of support our hard-working volunteers deserve.

I hope you will join me in supporting this appeal. I invite you to make an online contribution by clicking here and designating your gift for the "Anaheim Appeal." Your early donation will help us keep costs as low as possible.

You can find out more about our General Convention needs at As the campaign moves forward, Bruce Colburn, our Development Coordinator, will provide occasional updates. You are also welcome to contact him with any particular questions or suggestions you might have. Bruce can be contacted at or 800-462-9498.

Thank you for what you do to help our church understand that all the sacraments are for all the baptized. No doubt, our collective ministry has an impact on more lives than we can either ever know or count.


The Rev. Susan Russell

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