Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Community organizing trainings for people of faith

This past weekend, in conjunction with the Gay Christian Network annual conference, I was lucky enough to attend an abbreviated four session introduction to the community organizing curriculum developed by the Institute for Welcoming Resources. IWR teaches an organizing practice that helps activists communicate our values and assist parishes in becoming welcoming to all. The content is down to earth and, in longer workshops, you'll get to practice the techniques so you'll really be able to use the skills shared.

The workshops focus on learning to tell our stories, the truths of our lives, in a way the "grabs the gut" of hearers, in the words of trainer Vicki Wunsch. Once you can talk about what you hope for, you need to know how to listen to others in a structured way and to build teams that can support each other and move institutions. That's what the curriculum tries to offer.

IWR sponsors workshops all over the country. Wunsch emphasized that the training is ecumenical and very affordable. Learn more here.

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