Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Utah Poll Backs Gay Rights

A new statewide poll seeking to debunk the gay-Mormon divide shows substantial support -- 63 percent -- for additional legal protections for gay and transgender people.

And 66 percent of the Utahns polled characterize their religious beliefs as LDS.

The survey, conducted Jan. 8-14 by Ogden-based Information Alliance and commissioned by Equality Utah, also shows wide margins favoring workplace and housing protections for gay or transgender residents as well as health-insurance availability for same-sex partners.

Those results echo a recent Salt Lake Tribune poll that reveals most Utahns (56 percent) back legal protections -- such as hospital visitation, inheritance rights and job safeguards -- for same-sex couples.

Equality Utah's figures -- released on Martin Luther King Jr. Day in the White Memorial Chapel across from the Utah Capitol -- were unveiled by representatives of more than 30 organizations comprising the Common Ground Coalition.

Read the rest here.

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