Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Clergy Asked To Sign Open Letter

Today, the Religious Institute launched a new campaign to demonstrate
ordained clergy support for comprehensive sexuality education. We hope to
obtain 1000 clergy endorsers of our Open Letter on Sex Education by February
17th. You can read it at

If you are an ordained clergy person and support comprehensive sexuality
education, please go to this link to read the
letter and add your name.

And please help us by passing this on to your clergy colleagues. We hope to
have the names of at least 1000 clergy to the White House and Congress by
the end of the month as they consider ending the ineffective
abstinence-only-until-marriage program.

Thank you for your help. To the bloggers on this list, we'd appreciate you
posting this request!

Blessings for all you do to support sexual justice.

Rev. Debra W. Haffner
Religious Institute
21 Charles Street, Suite 140
Westport, CT 06880
203 222 0055

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