Monday, February 2, 2009

Toronto bishops propose process to allow same-sex blessings

a c c w e b n e w s
The Anglican Church of Canada

Feb 2, 2009

The bishops of the diocese of Toronto are proposing that "a limited number
of parishes" be given episcopal permission to offer prayers and blessing
"but not the nuptial blessing" to same-sex couples "in stable, long-term,
committed relationships."

The bishops, who outlined their proposal at a Jan. 29 meeting of the
diocesan council, said they plan to conduct an extensive consultation
process and would present the guidelines for implementing the proposal at
the diocese's synods in May and in November. A bishop's commission will be
formed to formulate the guidelines.

The process could take a year, the diocesan bishop of Toronto, Colin
Johnson, told the Toronto Star.

The bishops said that the proposal was well within the parameters
recommended by the house of bishops, which in 2007 declared that they were
committed to "develop the most generous pastoral response possible within
the current teaching of the church." The bishops said that clergy may
celebrate a eucharist and intercessory prayers with a same-sex couple, but
not pronounce a nuptial blessing.

To read the rest of the story, please visit the Anglican Journal Web site,

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