Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The faith of a gay bishop

The Boston Globe's Michael Paulson reports on The Rt. Rev. Gene Robinson's lecture at Trinity Church in Boston.
New Hampshire Episcopal Bishop V. Gene Robinson, famous (or infamous, depending on your perspective) as the first openly gay bishop, visited Boston on Sunday to preach and lecture at Trinity Church in Copley Square. The afternoon lecture was provocatively titled "The faith of a gay bishop,'' and Robinson said a last-minute look at the title caused him to throw away his prepared text and speak relatively extemporaneously about his Christian faith.

Paulson talks about what stood out and caught his attention: praying with gay christians in Hong Kong, +Gene's conversation with the Archbishop of Canterbury, the importance of following Jesus not just admiring Him, on finding gay stories in the Bible, and on persevering.

The audio of Robinson's remarks is here.

(Photo, by Mark Wilson of the Globe staff, shows Bishop V. Gene Robinson at Trinity Church in Boston on 3/22/09.)

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