Monday, March 23, 2009

Herb Steer Promoted to Glory

Shared by Gordon Broom...

Herb Steer, 92, passed away on Friday, March 20, 2009. Herb was one of the founding members of Integrity Palm Beach.

Herb served in the court of King George VI as the king's personal valet. After the king died, Herb came to the states where he served as Jack Benny's butler and served other Hollywood notables as well.

On Herb's 90th birthday he received a surprise birthday letter from the office of Queen Elizabeth.

Herb and his partner eventually moved to Florida and settled in Lake Worth.

Herb was an active member of St. Andrew's Episcopal Church, Lake Worth, FL.
Herb was well known to the Lake Worth community as well as Palm Beach county's L/G/B/T community. It is fitting that Herb's funeral will take place on our first day of Gay Pride of the
Palm Beaches. Herb's funeral will be on Saturday, March 28, 2009 at 10 AM at St. Andrew's Episcopal Church, Lake Worth, FL

Herb will be missed by all of us and he brought much joy to those whose lives he touched.

1 comment:

  1. This was my great unlce Bert and I have had the joy and pleasure of growing up reading his letters to my mother. They were always full of interesting day to day happenings, kindness and humour. His life choices and path have always inspired the individual in me and supported me in choosing to walk my own way and discover what life has to offer and what I can contribute. I feel sure from his letters and meeting him in Florida aged 13, that he has touched many peoples lives and will be missed.

    Sally Goodwin


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