Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Marriage Equality Update from California

Greetings from California ... where this week the Supreme Court will hear arguments to reject Proposition 8 as unconstitutional and return marriage equality to Californians.

Tomorrow, March 4, many of us will join Bishop Jon Bruno, who will be part of the Lambda Legal/Equality California press conference at the Los Angeles Cathedral Center at 10:00 a.m. And beginning at 5:00 p.m. supporters of marriage equality will rally at in downtown Los Angeles.

Thursday morning, March 5, the arguments before the Supreme Court will be televised and streamed online ... details here. (If you need a refresher course on how-we-got-to-here and where-we-might-be-going-next, I commend the commentary from Sunday's LA Times: "Gay Marriage On Trial")

Finally, here's the most recent ad for equality making the rounds ... making the point in 33 seconds. View ... forward ... and pray for justice to roll down like water here in California that liberty and justice for all might become a little closer to being not just a pledge but a reality.

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