Friday, March 6, 2009

Rochester's Episcopal Bishop Singh speaking at LGBT Lobby Day in Albany

The leader of the Episcopal Diocese of Rochester, The Rt. Rev Prince Singh will be a featured speaker at noon-time rally in Albany for LGBT Rights [on April 28].

This Diocese has been in the forefront of LGBT inclusion in the Episcopal Church.

Accepting the invitation of "Pride in the Pulpit’s" leader Kate McDonough will be speaking to a rally following visits with State Legislators from Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender citizens and their supporters from across New York State.

Pride in the Pulpit is the interfaith subgroup of the Empire State Pride Agenda. ESPA annually organizes "Equality and Justice Day" to bring people who support the full inclusion of all in anti-discrimination and marriage equality legislation to meet with legislators. The Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Rochester acted to support marriage equality and communicated this with local legislators in the fall of 2008.


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