Friday, March 13, 2009

Weekly Witness For 13 March 2009

Action Alerts!
Nominations Are Now Open

Dear members & friends of Integrity:

In accordance with the recently amended bylaws of Integrity, I am pleased to announce that nominations are now being accepted for the following positions...
  • President
  • Secretary/Director of Communications
  • Treasurer
  • Vice-President for National Affairs
  • Vice-President for Local Affairs
  • Stakeholders' Council Chairperson
  • Stakeholders' Council Vice-Chairperson
  • Province 1 Coordinator
  • Province 2 Coordinator
  • Province 3 Coordinator
  • Province 4 Coordinator
  • Province 5 Coordinator
  • Province 6 Coordinator
  • Province 7 Coordinator
  • Province 8 Coordinator

Please prayerfully consider whether you or someone you know might be called to lead our ministry into the next triennium.

Click here for more information and to submit a nomination! The deadline for nominations is Sunday, March 29th.

Voting will occur during May. Elected candidates will take office October 1st.

Feel free to contact me at if you have any questions about the nomination or election process.


Joshua Blackwood, Chairperson
Nominating Committee

Josh is Integrity's network coordinator in the Diocese of Washington.

VOWA Field Test Successful

On Saturday, March 7, a field test of the curriculum that will accompany the "Voices of Witness: Africa" video was held at Trinity Episcopal Church in Fort Worth. Here's a report...

For those of you who were able to attend today's screening, you understand what I mean when I say that it was a success. While we did not have a "standing room only" attendance, we had a nice assembly of individuals from the diocese who openly participated.

The documentary was touching and edited with care. Following the screening, we participated in a trial version of the field test that will soon accompany the documentary as the producers plan on shipping these to all bishops in the Communion hopefully by May of the year.

Because this documentary is still in need of financial support (to pay for shipping costs, possible further editing, etc) we would like to encourage you to pray about how you might be able to support the message of this film with your monetary donation. Even a small gift will help by going to the Integrity USA website (

Thank you again to all who showed up for this screening.

God's blessings,
Board of Integrity/Fort Worth

New Resource: All God's Children

Burrill, Melany, All God's Children: Teaching Children About Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity, [Fort Wayne, IN: LifeQuest, 2009; 20 pp., ISBN 1-893270-48-0].

All God’s Children is an essential guide to open and caring conversations with young children about gender and sexual orientation. You’ll find that this small, user-friendly book addresses your concerns, your questions, and your search for just the right words; it also suggests ideas for sermons and classroom activities. As you read, you’ll learn to model openness, respect, and the affirming belief that everyone, regardless of sexual orientation or gender difference, is a beloved child of God. Anyone who has a loving relationship with young children—parents, family, friends, pastors, Sunday School teachers—will benefit from reading and discussing All God’s Children.

Buy it at!

Unblogged News

Beckley Register-Herald, WV
Senate poised for vote on homosexual rights bill

WPTZ-BUR (NBC) – Burlington News
Support for same sex union

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