Friday, March 27, 2009

Weekly Witness For 27 March 2009

Action Alerts [and status reports]!
Transgender Equality Raised In Episcopal Life Ad

Integrity USA recently partnered with TransEpiscopal to publish an ad in the April issue of Episcopal Life--which is currently arriving in mailboxes. This ad is part of our pre-General Convention series aimed at bishops and deputies.

Are you called to serve Integrity on the national or provincial level?

Dear members & friends of Integrity:

A couple of weeks ago I announced that nominations were being accepted for the board of directors and provincial coordinators. To date we have 4 candidates...
  • President [1 nomination received]
  • Secretary/Director of Communications
  • Treasurer
  • Vice-President for National Affairs
  • Vice-President for Local Affairs [1 nomination received]
  • Stakeholders' Council Chairperson
  • Stakeholders' Council Vice-Chairperson
  • Province 1 Coordinator
  • Province 2 Coordinator
  • Province 3 Coordinator
  • Province 4 Coordinator
  • Province 5 Coordinator
  • Province 6 Coordinator
  • Province 7 Coordinator [1 nomination received]
  • Province 8 Coordinator [1 nomination received]

Please prayerfully consider whether you or someone you know might be called to lead our ministry into the next triennium.

Click here for more information and to submit a nomination! The deadline for nominations is Sunday, March 29th. If there are insufficient volunteers, the nominating committee will begin drafting candidates. Online voting will occur during May. Elected candidates will take office October 1st.

Feel free to contact me at if you have any questions about the nomination or election process.


Joshua Blackwood, Chairperson
Nominating Committee

Josh is Integrity's network coordinator in the Diocese of Washington.

Gene & Susan In Philadelphia At Equality Forum 2009

This week the Equality Forum announced at Gene Robinson and Susan Russell will have significant roles during the April 27-May 3 event....

12th Annual National Religious Colloquy:
Conversation with Bishop Gene Robinson

A Conversation with Bishop Gene Robinson of the Episcopal Diocese of New Hampshire, the first openly gay Episcopal bishop. His ordination led to international debate about the inclusion of gay clergy in the church hierarchy. Bishop Robinson delivered the invocation at President Obama's Lincoln Memorial Inaugural Concert. Facilitated by Rabbi Linda Holtzman, Senior Rabbi of Mishkan Shalom. Tues., April 28, 7-8:15 p.m., Prince Music Theater [More]

5th Annual National Interfaith Service at historic Christ Church

Rev. Susan Russell, national president of Integrity, delivers the sermon and is joined by Cantor David Acker, Congregation Ohev Shalom, Rev. Carol Anthony, Christ Church, Rev. Karla Fleshman, Imago Dei Metropolitan Community Church, Malcolm Lazin, Executive Director, Equality Forum, and the Rainbow Chorale of Delaware, in spiritual celebration at historic Christ Church, the sanctuary where George Washington, Benjamin Franklin and Betsy Ross worshiped. Sun., May 3, 5-6 p.m. Christ Church Philadelphia [More]

The Equality Forum also released a video promoting the May 3rd national rally that will be the climax of the week....

Unblogged News

Union Leader
NH House endorses gay marriage
click here

Associated Press
NH Approves Gay Marriage; Sends to Senate
click here

The Advocate
God vs. Gay

Bennington Banner, VT
Clergy offer opinions on marriage bill

Religious Leaders Rally to Pass Stalled Civil Unions Bill

The Maui News, HI
Dueling demonstrations
Those on each side of civil-unions bill appeal to drivers, lawmakers

Plattsburgh Press Republican
Vermont Senate OKs gay marriage; some fear political repercussions

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