Saturday, June 27, 2009


IntegriTV comes to a screen near you! This year Integrity is taking a full audio-visual team to Convention so that you will be able to ‘be there’ in a whole new way.

Last time General Convention was held in Anaheim it was 1985. The whole Integrity operation was run on the proverbial shoestring. Dottie Fuller remembers staying in her RV in a parking lot and coming into the Integrity suite in her jeans in order to change into a set of professional clothes. At the following convention, in 1988, Integrity filmed a videotape ‘to persuade our members we should be here’ according to Kim Byham, national President. That year the budget for Integrity’s presence at Convention was $30,000. Since the value of the dollar has declined since then, $30,000 in 1988 may be the equivalent of $68,000 today .

This year we asked you to help us raise $70,000 and your generous giving shows that you no longer need ‘persuading’ that Integrity should be at General Convention. You know the value of our witness there. But not all of us can make the trek - IntegriTV brings Convention to you.

Each day there will be video blogs and interviews bringing you the highlights - and the sidelines - of Convention which is one of the biggest representative assemblies in the US.

Prepare for General Convention now by making sure that you bookmark

More info coming soon from our Communication Team ... stay tuned!

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