Monday, July 13, 2009

Anaheim Appeal Final Update

Dear members and friends of Integrity:

I am pleased to share that our Anaheim Appeal has ended with a total of $94,400 in donations from many generous supporters of Integrity’s witness at General Convention 2009 now taking place in Anaheim, CA.

Our original goal was $80,000. Many chapters, networks, parishes, dioceses, households, and individuals responded to our appeal with gifts large and small. We would especially like to thank Integrity/New York City, Integrity/Houston, the Diocese of Los Angeles Network, and the Diocese of San Diego Network in conjunction with St. Paul’s Cathedral for hosting Anaheim Appeal events. We also give thanks to those individuals, chapters, and parishes that hosted "Marching to Anaheim" video screenings to raise funds for this endeavor.

We are extremely grateful for the financial and prayer support that is making Integrity’s witness and work possible during General Convention 2009.

Praising God from whom all blessings flow,

R. Bruce Colburn, Development Coordinator

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