Friday, July 17, 2009

Another Step forward as House of Deputies confirms by Two-Thirds Majority “Generous Pastoral Response”

The House of Deputies, voting by orders, today supported Resolution C056 ( which was crafted by a group of Bishops and was passed in the House of Bishops by a 75% majority. In the House of Deputies it passed by a two-thirds majority in both orders.

This resolution allows for a ‘generous pastoral response’ to the needs of same gender couples. What that actually means will vary from diocese to diocese, depending on how the Bishop discerns the needs of the people and the movement of the Spirit. In some places it’ll mean church weddings, in others something very private and discreet, and in some places there will be nothing at all.

One of the reasons that Integrity has changed its organizational structure is because much of the work in the next triennium is going to be in dioceses and provinces, helping Bishops to understand our pastoral needs and the appropriate responses.

At the national level, the Standing Committee on Liturgy and Music is going to be busy as it collects and develops liturgical and theological resources. Integrity will be making sure that they get all the help we can give them.

We give thanks to God for this step forward in the long journey towards full inclusion.

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