Thursday, July 16, 2009

As the convention heats up, so does the news!

Here at the Walking With Integrity blog, we are scouring the headlines for you and bring you bits of news as we find them each day during convention.

Episcopal bishops OK prayer for gay couples
By MICHELLE RINDELS, Associated Press

Move to Allow Ordination Of Gay Bishops Stirs Debate
By William Wan, Washington Post

Let the Episcopal Church say Amen

Irene Monroe, Huffington Post

Episcopal Bishops Give Ground on Gay Marriage


Episcopal bishops back blessings of same-sex unions

By Duke Helfand, LA Times

Episcopal gay bishops decision confounds activists

By Ann Rodgers, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Bishops call for 'resources' for same-gender blessing

The Anglican church's crumbling foundations
The Episcopal church's decision on gay clergy may well signal the end of the Anglican communion as we know it.
Stephen Bates,

Episcopal Church approves of gay bishops, interview with IntegrityUSA President, Susan Russell
(Audio) Southern California Public Radio

Larry Mantle's "Air Talk" interview with Susan Russell of KPCC radio

From today's "Issues" July 16: An End to Appeasement
Caro Hall, IntegrityUSA (!!)

Eyes on the Floor: Less is More
By Richard Helmer, Episcopal Cafe

Evil into Good
By Rebecca Wilson, Episcopal Cafe

Hallway conversation on C056
By Jim Naughton, Episcopal Cafe

Please feel free to share your favorite stories, blogs and articles (of interest to General Convention) in the comments!

1 comment:

  1. That is really wanted and every body will love to watch this,thanks for the information.


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