Monday, July 13, 2009

As Seen Elsewhere

Here at the Walking With Integrity blog are scouring the headlines for you and bring you bits of news as we find them each morning during convention. Please feel free to share your news stories you find in the comments!

Chicago Consultation hosts 'Doing Justice, Building Communion' luncheon

Episcopal News Service

Deputies support fully inclusive ordination process, ongoing commitment to communion

Should Gays Serve in the Episcopal Church
NPR, Faith Matters, Audio Interview

Majority of Episcopalians Favor Scrapping Ban on Gay Ordination
By Lillian Kwon, Christian Post Reporter

Archbishop of Canterbury 'regrets' move to ordain gay bishops
Riazat Butt,

Can a gay bishop speak for God? Who says a call is true?
USA Today Faith & Reason

Our very own Caroline Hall is writing for Issues--A General Convention Daily from The Consultation.
July 8: All the Sacraments for All the Baptized, All of the Time
July 10: Indabababuntu
July 11: Does Sexual Orientation include Transgender?
July 12: What is Marriage?

And saving the best for article simply titled
Ubuntu Exemplified
Episcopal News Service
The ballroom was transformed into a magnificent sanctuary of solace and artistic beauty.

That's it for today--look for more on the horizon, to be sure, tomorrow.

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