Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Episcopal General Convention Says "Amen" to Inclusion


ANAHEIM, CA (July 14, 2009)--The House of Deputies reiterated its overwhelming support for the full inclusion of all the baptized in all orders of ministry by concurring with resolution DO25 as amended by the House of Bishops.

"Today's action put the 'Amen' at the end of one of the prayers we have prayed for an inclusive church--ending the BO33 'season' by stating unequivocally that the LGBT baptized can and will have equal access to ordination processes in the Episcopal Church," said the Reverend Susan Russell, president of Integrity USA.

"Our Lord told us that 'the truth will set us free'--and what this General Convention has done is to tell the truth that will set the Episcopal Church free for mission and ministry."

"We rejoice in this powerful witness to the Gospel and to God's inclusive love, and we urge the House of Bishops to continue in the spirit of truth and unity as they work on resolution C056 so that the General Convention will send us out from Anaheim with the same kind of clarity about the blessing of same-sex relationships."

Louise Brooks, Director of Communications, tvprod@earthlink.net, (626) 993-4605
Pamela Reamer Williams, Senior Press Officer, PamelaGRW@aol.com, (307) 377-7763


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