Sunday, July 12, 2009

Integrity goes mainstream and even ‘orthodox’(maybe)

It’s always a compliment when other media pick up your stories. The official Episcopal news hub has video of Bishop Barbara Harris’s sermon at the Integrity Eucharist. It’s available in the ‘on demand’ section at the media hub.

Kendall Harmon isn’t here this year, but ran one of our blog entries on his blog, Titus 1:9 (posted July 11). Thanks Kendall!

More headlines to note:

Episcopal leaders reopen divisive debate on same-sex marriage

Duke Helfand, LA Times
Overflow crowds have turned up for public hearings on both matters in Anaheim, with speakers sharing tearful stories about their struggles in the church. Most have favored an easing of restrictions.

Sue Carter's dispatch from Anaheim

Times Online
After the Eucharist, some one hundred delegates and supporters sported Integrity t-shirts reading “Here I Am. Send Me” gathered outside the convention center to sing and take pictures in a gesture of solidarity.

Integrity Eucharist celebrates church's diversity
From there Harris moved on to the sacrament of marriage: marriage is a civil contract to which the church adds a blessing. It is the firm belief of many that the church should get out of the business of marriage. Let same- and-opposite sex couples get married, where it is legal; it's now legal in six states. "Let the church then administer the sacrament of blessing on all such couples and their lives," she said.

Marriage equality, same-gender rites receive broad support at hearings
"I am 18, and I am a gay Episcopalian," said Carolyn Chou, a member of the official youth presence at convention. "Let my parents have the privilege of seeing me get married one day."

Testimony is overwhelmingly in favor of moving beyond B033

The Rev. Susan Russell, president of Integrity USA, an advocacy group for the LGBT Episcopal community, called upon the group to heed the Presiding Bishop's message in her July 7 sermon to General Convention to have "hearts of mission pulsing blood through the Body of Christ and sending God's love out into the world."

Where there’s smoke, there’s fire
Tracy J. Sukraw, Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts
“If we can develop rites and blessings for fishing fleets and fisherfolk, and for hunts, hounds, horses and houses, including the room where the indoor plumbing is located, we should be able to allow clergy in the exercise of their pastoral ministry to adapt and to appropriate the pastoral office of the blessing of a civil marriage for use with all couples who seek the church’s support and God’s blessing in their marriages. Friends, yes we can do that,” she said. (referring to Bishop Barbara Harris)

On the air with Integrity President, Susan Russell:
An interview with NPR (editors comment, really great, listen)

p.s. Looking for a copy of the bulletin from the service? Download it here.

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