Saturday, July 18, 2009

That's All Folks!

The final media briefing is over, I’ve taken off my press badge for the last time and we’re getting ready to celebrate.

So what’s been achieved in Anaheim this year?

The Episcopal Church has intentionally, thoughtfully and lovingly put its feet on the last section of path towards the full inclusion of LGBT people. This Convention has overwhelmingly affirmed that partnered gay people are called by God to all orders of ministry in this church and has allowed diocesan bishops to make local provision for blessing same-gender relationships. It has asked the Commission on Liturgy and Music to begin the process that will one day lead to rites for blessings. It has passed several resolutions which support transgender people and oppose discrimination.

The work now is at the diocesan level to continue to witness to God’s extravagant and inclusive love so that these possibilities may be fully realized in all the dioceses of the church. It’s not going to happen overnight and it will take longer in some places than others. “All the sacraments for all the baptized” means all and that includes those who do not agree with us. For the first time LGBT Episcopalians can stand with our heads held high knowing that the Episcopal Church really does welcome us, and it is incumbent upon us to extend that welcome to others who may now feel excluded as well as those who never imagined they might be welcomed.

Thank you, all of you, who contributed to the expenses of the team this year. We really couldn’t have done it without you.

Please pray for our press office and media room evangelist, Pamela Reamer Williams, who left early this morning. Pamela has been in a great deal of pain for the last week, apparently with a pinched nerve in her back but by the time she left there was other stuff going on too. She’s driving home to Wyoming. Please pray for safe travel and healing. Pamela has been a remarkable addition to the team this year.

Don’t forget to register for Beyond Anaheim in September – it’ll put our feet firmly on the next step.

That’s All Folks!
Caroline Hall for IntegrityUSA

1 comment:

  1. Thank you all for your thorough and professional reporting of Integrity's presence at GC2009. You are a splendid team of communicators! Prayers for Pamela's safety and well-being ascend, and a prayer for all Integrity members and volunteers as you make your ways home! Home will be a joy, a relief, and maybe a bit of a let-down after the excitement and pressures of GC. But there is no place like home!


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