Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Two Trans-positive resolutions have passed in the House of Bishops this afternoon

D032 Non-Discrimination in Lay Employment: adds 'gender expression' to the things we can't discriminate against when employing lay employees.

One Bishop asked whether 'gender expression' was a term used by psychologists. An answer was not provided. It passed with a good majority.

D090 Inclusive Church Paper Work recommends and encourages all bodies of The Episcopal Church to utilize all available resources to revise and adapt forms to be fully inclusive of all people: by including lines not only for one's legal name, but also for one's preferred name as well as one's gender identity and pronoun preference.

That one passed unanimously. Both these resolutions now have to go to the House of Deputies.

At the end of yesterday C061 which would amend the canon on non-discrimination in the discernment process to include 'gender identity or expression' was voted on in the House of Deputies but the vote results were not available until today. It was a vote by orders and I understand it passed with a good majority vote in both orders.

This now goes to the Bishops.
As its a canonical change even if it passes it will need to be agreed at next Convention too.

Our thanks go to everyone who has worked on these resolutions and the educational process to get them this far.

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