Monday, August 24, 2009

October National Equality March

On October 10 & 11, 2009 all across the nation people will take to the streets to demonstrate for equality for LGBT Americans. Integrity endorses this and other grassroots demonstrations to promote equal protection under United States law for all Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender citizens.

“Episcopalians claim a baptismal covenant that calls us to ‘respect the dignity of every human being,’” says Neil Houghton, Vice President-elect for Local Affairs. “One of the ways we live out that mission is to support local and national demonstrations of support for the full inclusions of LGBT people."

Religious communities were key to the success of the civil rights movement of the 1960’s. The forward movement at our General Convention on LGBT inclusion as well as the recent actions by the Evangelical Lutheran Church in American signal a larger shift in many faith communities that putting faith into action includes advocacy for LGBT equality. The time is now to show that support for family values means protecting ALL families -- and that includes LGBT families.

We encourage our local organizations to participate in activities such as the March for Equality in Washington -- as well as to promote local actions -- using existing communication structures.

We encourage Integrity Chapters, Network Coordinators, Proud Parish Partners and our justice allies throughout the church to claim this October opportunity to be a visible witness to the inclusive love of God in Christ Jesus.

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