Tuesday, August 18, 2009

On the Radio

Click here for a 60 minute segment from this morning's MPR (Minnesota Public Radio) "Midmorning" featuring Titusonenine's Kendall Harmon, Religion News Service's Kevin Eckstrom ... and Integrity's Susan Russell.

From the MPR website:

Evangelical Lutherans are gathering in Minneapolis to consider whether to permit gay and lesbian ministers to lead churches if they are in a committed relationship. Midmorning discusses the tension this issue has created regarding inclusion and unity among other mainline Protestant churches.


Susan Russell: is president of Integrity USA, an Episcopal gay advocacy group and Senior Associate at All Saints Church in Pasadena.

Kendall Harmon: is a priest of the Episcopal Church USA and Canon Theologian of the Episcopal Diocese of South Carolina.

Kevin Eckstrom: editor of Religion News Service.

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