Monday, September 14, 2009

Integrity NYC Celebratory Eucharist - 20 Sep, 4pm - St. Luke's

Sunday, 20th September 2009 (4:00pm)

Church of St. Luke in the Fields

487 Hudson St (at Grove)

This summer the Episcopal Church met for its General Convention in Anaheim, California and passed some amazing resolutions further forwarding the cause of LGBT members of the Episcopal Church.  IntegrityUSA, the LGBT advocacy group in the Episcopal Church, was there the entire time advocating among the delegates to do the right thing, and they came through!

Later this summer, the Evangelical Lutheran Church held its convention and ALSO passed some amazing resolutions.  This summer has been one of celebration and liberation for LGBT Christians, as a result.

IntegrityNYC, the local New York City chapter of IntegrityUSA, is hosting a Celebratory Eucharist in thanksgiving for these resolutions and in gratitude to the Diocesan delegates who helped make these strides possible!

This is our time to Celebrate the welcoming and affirming Episcopal Church in our own area!

You are cordially invited to our celebratory response to all that the Spirit has done this summer!  Please share this with your lists and those interested in attending.


Chap James Day

Steering Committee Member

IntegrityNYC (

Provincial Coordinator Elect

Province II

IntegrityUSA (



Celebrant: Bishop Catherine Roskam, Diocese of New York

Preacher: David Casey of iNYC

Acolytes: St. Luke in the Fields

Music: John Bradley and David Shuler

The Resolutions from the Episcopal Church:

C056 – Authorizes “generous pastoral support” for blessing marriages, unions & partnerships and collection of liturgical resources for consideration at GC2012

C048 – Urges support of fully inclusive ENDA legislation pending in Washington

D012 -- Support for Transgender Civil Rights

D025 – Supports inclusive ordination processes for ALL orders of ministry

D032 -- Non-discrimination clause including gender identity and gender expression for lay employees

D076 -- Support for immigration equality for gay couples

D090 -- Church paper work to be made more accessible to flexibility in gender identity and pronoun preference

C023 – Urging support for repeal of DOMA (“Defense of Marriage Act”) passed in Deputies and was referred by Bishops to Executive Council – where we expect affirmative action will be taken to take the voice of the Episcopal Church to Washington on this important issue.

Please RSVP Below:


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