Wednesday, September 2, 2009

March for Equality Mobilization Meeting in NYC on September 8

Are you excited about the National Equality March in Washington, DC on October 11th, 2009?

Are you or your organization already working on getting yourselves and others down there for this historic event?

Do you need help getting started or want to find a group to go with?

Come network, strategize, and share information at the
New York City Mobilization Meeting for the National Equality March!

Over the past year, we’ve seen an explosion of struggle in the movement for LGBT equality. In the wake of California’s Proposition 8, thousands of people across the nation responded with protests and sit-ins, birthing what one activist called "our generation's Stonewall."  The Stonewall Rebellion of 1969 in New York City became the center of the historic Gay Liberation movement, and once again New York City possesses the potential to be at the center of today’s fight for LGBT equality.

The National Equality March will be the biggest LGBT rights protest in over a decade, and brings with it the anger and hope we all share and want to direct toward repealing draconian policies such as the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) and Don’t Ask Don’t Tell, as well as revising policies that currently exclude LGBT rights, such as the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA).

Given our history, New York City should have some of the strongest representation at the Equality March, and to make that happen we need every group to have equal access to good resources, funding and information.

If you are an organization
, please consider endorsing this Equality March Mobilization Meeting and sending a representative to share with everyone who you are, what you are doing and where, and what you need help with.

If you are an individual
, please consider coming to the meeting to find out who is organizing in your area and how you can get involved.

Many groups are already doing fantastic work and we want to plug people into what they're doing and provide a space for us all to support each others' efforts.

Additionally, there are things we could discuss working on as a Mobilization Committee, for those who are interested in continuing to meet and organize at a citywide level, such as:

  • fund-raising for the groups who need some extra help
  • coordinating transportation from different locales
  • setting up an NYC-specific web site that lists all of the groups involved and allows people to buy bus tickets online.

Please bring your ideas, plans, needs, and energy to this citywide coordinating meeting and ensure that New York City makes a huge splash with lots of political punch at the March for Equality in Washington!

What: The New York City Mobilization Meeting for the National Equality March


Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender Community Center

208 West 13th Street
New York, NY

When:  Tuesday, September 8th, 2009, 6:00-8pm


Take the A, C, 2, 3 to 14th Street Station.

For more detailed information please visit the LGBT Community Center Web site:
or call them at (212) 620-7310


Group page:
Event invitation (spread the word!):

Alana Smith

If you would like your organization's name to be listed on flyers and emails as an endorser of this meeting, please email

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