Saturday, October 3, 2009

National Equality March in Hawai'i

Aloha Folks,

Passing the attached to you all about the Pride Alliance Hawai`i's organizing the Honolulu Equality March next week Sunday, Oct. 11, 3:30 pm - 7:30 pm at the State Capitol. Please let our BGLT Episcopalian ohana and straight allies know about the march. This event is to coincide with the National Equality March in Washington DC. I believe I have the Integrity Banner and will bring this with me. I plan on being there at about 3 pm - 3-15 pm. Maybe we can meet by the Liliuokalani Statute on the makai side of the Capitol Building facing Iolani Palace. Let me know if you folks are coming so we know to look for you. Hope to see you there if not sooner.

Finally are we still having the Integrity Hawai`i General Membership Meeting this coming Thursday, 10/8 @ Epiphany Church @ 6 pm? If so then we need to get the word out. I believe this is a potluck dinner too. Who is making the agenda and what should be on the agenda? Think we are pau at 8 pm so will surely not be able to discuss everything but surely membership, Hawai`i Convention and 2010 legislation regarding equal marriage/civil union rights.

Patrick Waring

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