Friday, November 6, 2009

And now for some good news from the wire: Washington

Well, its Friday and it has been in many respects a roller-coaster of a week; there have been many great losses as well as great joys this week. I can't say it enough perhaps, if you are not signed up to receive the new Friday Flash from IntegrityUSA, you should. I love it, and Integrity President David Norgard says:
"It’s attractive, informative, brief on the surface with more detailed offered, current, fabulous!  Honestly, if I were involved only as a member [or friend of Integrity], I would look forward to getting this."
So click here to get yourself signed up!

And now, some great news (thanks for the tip from one of our blog-fairies, Ann) out of Washington state.

From AP: Gay partnership measure approved by voters

OLYMPIA, Wash. — Washington voters have approved the state's new "everything but marriage" law, expanding rights for domestic partners and marking the first time any state's voters have approved a gay equality measure at the ballot box.
With about 72 percent of the expected vote counted Thursday in unofficial returns, Referendum 71 was leading 52 percent to 48 percent, with a margin of about 60,000 votes. More...
From Seattle PI: Washington voters approve expanded gay rights
In a victory for proponents of expanded gay rights, Washington state voters have upheld the new "everything but marriage" law for same-sex domestic partners. More...

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