Thursday, November 19, 2009


Statement from Integrity President David Norgard

November 19, 2009

This week I received the resignation of Joshua Blackwood as Chair of the newly created Stakeholders’ Council. Citing personal reasons, Josh stepped down from his leadership role within Integrity and with regret, I accepted his resignation. On behalf of all my colleagues on the Board of Directors, I thanked him for his service. It has been a pleasure to get to know Josh and we wish him the very best in his other endeavors.

It gives me great pleasure to announce that Gretchen Renfro of Kansas City, Missouri, is the new Chair of the Stakeholders’ Council. In the case of a vacancy in this role, our bylaws provide for the Vice Chair to be seated as the Chair and thus, also, as a member of the Board of Directors. I am grateful to Gretchen for her willingness to serve and look forward to working with her more closely. Please join me in welcoming her to this new role within our community.

This change creates a new vacancy, of course, namely, that of a Vice Chair for the Stakeholders’ Council. In the near future, Gretchen Renfro, as the new Chair will be nominating a candidate to fill the position until the next regular election and a special election among the stakeholders will be scheduled at an appropriate and opportune time.

Integrity is blessed with a strong leadership team and we all look forward to moving ahead together.

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