Friday, December 11, 2009


From the UK Guardian
Archbishop Rowan Williams urged to retract comments on election of lesbian bishopRowan Williams claims Mary Glasspool's confirmation would jeopardise relations in the US Episcopal Church

By Riazat Butt, Religious affairs correspondent
Friday 11 December 2009 02.01 GMT

Thousands of Anglicans have urged the Archbishop of Canterbury to repent following his tepid response to the election of a lesbian bishop in the US.

Members of a Facebook group, set up last Wednesday, accuse Rowan Williams of failing to "exercise moral leadership to protect gays and lesbians in Uganda and has instead exercised political pressure to attack a bishop-elect in Los Angeles because she is a lesbian".

Last weekend's election of Mary Glasspool prompted the archbishop to warn of "serious questions" about the place of the US Episcopal Church in the communion "and the communion as a whole", a reaction that dismayed liberals who are pressing for equality of lesbian and gay people in the life of the church.

There is also disappointment that Williams has been slow to condemn proposed anti-homosexuality legislation in Uganda. Read rest of article here.

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