Thursday, December 24, 2009

Help Integrity Uganda During The 12 Days Of Christmas!

No doubt you have been following recent news about the draconian Anti-Homosexuality Bill that is currently before the Ugandan Parliament.  If passed, LGBT Ugandans could be punished with life imprisonment or even death. 

Now, more than ever, LGBT Anglicans in Uganda need our prayers and financial support.  That's why Integrity USA's Board of Directors has designated 10% of all donations received during the 100,000 Blessings campaign to the Hopkins Fund for Global Mission—almost all of which will be allocated to the ministry of Integrity Uganda during 2010.

It costs $700 per month to provide the members of Integrity Uganda with a safe meeting space, public transportation to worship, and emergency assistance with basic living expenses.  Many members have little or no income--they have been fired from their jobs and ostracized by their families because of their sexual orientation or gender identity.  Health care for malaria and HIV/AIDS is financially unobtainable for some.

During Christmastide, we're asking you to make a gift to the 100,000 Blessings campaign so that Integrity USA can continue providing vital aid to our sisters and brothers in Uganda.  Our goal is to raise at least $8400 for Integrity Uganda during the next 12 days.

A contribution of $1000 or more will qualify you for lifetime membership.  If you wish, you may give in honor or memory of a loved one. Remember that donations to Integrity are tax-deductible.

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