Friday, December 11, 2009

LGCM hails election of lesbian Bishop and laments the response of Archbishop Rowan Williams

For immediate release

Rev. Sharon Ferguson, Chief Executive of the Lesbian and Gay Christian Movement (LGCM) has welcomed the announced election of the global Anglican Communion’s first openly lesbian Bishop.

Canon Mary Glasspool, 55, has been appointed as the new Assistant Bishop of the Diocese of Los Angeles, California within the Episcopal Church.

Rev. Sharon Ferguson said: “We are thrilled about the election of Mary Glasspool by the Diocese of Los Angeles as suffragan bishop. We are thankful for the wisdom, maturity and commitment to human rights which the Episcopal Church have demonstrated in this choice and pray that the same qualities will be shown by those who will ratify the decision.”

LGCM however joined with Christian groups within and beyond the Anglican Communion in questioning the rapid and immediate response of Rowan Williams, the Archbishop of Canterbury, especially in light of his sustained silence over the situation in Uganda.

Rev. Sharon Ferguson said: “LGCM notes with great concern, regret and some anger that instead of congratulating and encouraging the appointment of Mary Glasspool, Rowan Williams has condemned it. The Archbishop has said: ‘The election of Mary Glasspool elect raises very serious questions not just for the Episcopal Church and its place in the Anglican Communion, but for the Communion as a whole.’ Yet it is really the Archbishop’s own response which raises very serious questions for us all.

“This statement of condemnation by the Archbishop contrasts starkly with his continued silence about proposed legislation in Uganda that could see homosexuals imprisoned and in some cases executed. Some Bishops in the Church of Uganda actively support this homophobic and oppressive legislation. We believe it is time for Rowan Williams to get his priorities right and decide at what point unity is less important than justice and human rights.”


For further details please contact Tony Green on 07909 022950 or Stephen Spencer on 07879 561627

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