Friday, February 12, 2010

Integrity News: New Chapter of Integrity USA Forming in Delaware

Integrity USA is pleased to announce the formation of a new Integrity Chapter in Delaware.

Recently, members of the LGBT community and their straight friends and allies gathered at Christ Episcopal Church in Dover, Delaware to vote on forming a local chapter of Integrity USA. The vote was a resounding YES to move forward and seek "Chapter in Formation Status".

Bishop Wayne P. Wright, Bishop of the Diocese of Delaware, while unable to attend, offered his full support and assistance in the formation of the new chapter. The Diocese of Delaware was well represented, however, with several members of the clergy in attendance (some of which are already national members) and two newly ordained permanent deacons.

The "Chapter in Formation Application" has been approved by Neil Houghton, Integrity USA Vice President for Local Affairs. "We are thrilled to welcome our brothers and sisters in the newly formed  chapter to Integrity USA. We thank Bishop Wirght for his support in helping us bring the legislative victories of GC09 to the local diocese and parishes," said Houghton.

One of the first actions of the new Integrity Chapter will be to have an Integrity Table at the Diocese of Delaware's Annual Diocesan Convention on March 12-13, 2010 at St. Peter's Episcopal Church in Lewes, DE.

Their next meeting will take place on Saturday, March 20, 2010, 10 AM at Christ Episcopal Church, So. State & Water Sts. (501 S. State St. for GPS), Dover, DE 19904. Everyone is welcome.

 For more information contact Jon Rania, Lay Ministry Assoc. at Christ Church at 302-734-5731 or e-mail Jon


  1. Please note slight mistake in e-mail address, drop the a at beginning, correct address is:

  2. Thanks, Jon! I fixed the mistake int the post.


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