Thursday, February 25, 2010



The Rev. David Norgard, President of Integrity USA, will speak at Virginia Theological Seminary on Thursday, March 4, 2010. Virginia Theological Seminary is the largest of the 11 accredited seminaries of the Episcopal Church and was founded in 1823. The graduate seminary school prepares men and women representing more than 50 different dioceses and 9 different countries for service in the Church, both as ordained and lay ministers. The newly elected President of Integrity was invited to VTS by its Dean & President, the Very Rev. Ian Markham.

Norgard will lecture on The Future of Inclusion in the Episcopal Church. “Integrity USA has been an advocate and powerful witness for full inclusion of all the baptized for 35 years. And, I can proclaim with certainty that inclusion will play a large part in growing the Episcopal Church in the future, said Norgard. He will speak to both the challenges and the opportunities that face the church of the future in view its recent movement toward greater diversity.

The lecture begins at 7pm in the Lettie Pate Auditorium. There will be a reception before the lecture begins and Norgard will take part in a Question & Answer session afterward. The lecture is open to faculty, students, and the general public.

Virginia Theological Seminary is located at 3737 Seminary Road, Alexandria, VA 22304

For more information contact:
Susan Shillinglaw, Director of Public Affairs
703-461-1764 or

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