Tuesday, March 16, 2010


From Episcopal News Service

By Pat McCaughan

A discussion of same-gender relationships will be on the agenda when more than 115 bishops of the Episcopal Church gather March 19-24 for their spring retreat meeting in Camp Allen, Texas.

Bishop Henry Parsley of the Diocese of Alabama, who chairs the House of Bishops' Theology Committee, said two major papers will be
presented from the study "Same Sex Relationships in the Life of the Church."

"One paper represents the church's traditional view and the other a
proposal to revise the tradition, and there's a response to each
paper," Parsley said in a March 16 telephone interview from his
Birmingham office.

"We'll have a discussion of the paper and see what questions it raises and what we can learn from each other and how this kind of theological dialogue can be advanced," Parsley said. "The purpose was to prepare theological papers by academic theologians so they focus on the classical theological approach to the question."

The study was commissioned in 2008 and authored by a diverse group of theologians to represent a wide range of views. Included in that group are:

• Dr. John Goldingay, the David Allan Hubbard professor of Old Testament at Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena, California;

• Dr. Deirdre Good, professor of New Testament at the General Theological Seminary in New York;

• Dr. Willis Jenkins, Margaret A. Farley assistant professor of social ethics, Yale Divinity School;

• The Rev. Dr. Cynthia Kittredge, Ernest J. Villavaso Jr. chair of New Testament and dean of community life at the Episcopal Seminary of the Southwest in Austin;

• The Rev. Dr. Grant LeMarquand, academic dean and associate professor of biblical studies at McGill University in Toronto;

• Dr. Eugene Rogers, professor of religious studies at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro;

• The Rev. Dr. George Sumner, principal and Helliwell professor of world mission, Wycliffe College, Toronto; and

• The Rev. Dr. Daniel Westberg, research professor of ethics and moral theology, Nashotah House, Nashotah, Wisconsin.

Parsley said that Dr. Ellen Charry, associate professor of systematic and historical theology at Princeton Theological Seminary and editor of Theology Today, served as editor.

Read the rest of the story here:

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