Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Registration Now Open For San Diego Believe Out Loud Provincial Workshop!

During the spring and summer of 2010, Integrity USA will be holding a series for workshops in every province of The Episcopal Church. They are designed to give local Episcopalians the knowledge and skills they need to help their parishes and dioceses become more welcoming and affirming of LGBT folk.

Below is info on the the first workshop--which will be held on May 7 & 8 in San Diego. Although primarily intended for those who live in the southern half of Province 8, participants from other areas are welcome. Additional workshop are currently being planned and will be announced in the near future.

May 7-8, 2010 | San Diego


Friday, May 7th

St. Paul's Cathedral
3505 5th Avenue
San Diego, CA

Saturday, May 8th

3634 Seventh Ave 
San Diego, CA


To give local Episcopalians the knowledge and skills they need to help their parishes and dioceses become more welcoming and affirming of LGBT folk.


  • The State Of LGBT Inclusion Within The Episcopal Church
  • Helping Your Parish Becoming More Welcoming And Affirming Of LGBT People
  • Reaching Out To The Unchurched LGBT Community
  • Organizing At The Diocesan Level For LGBT Inclusion
  • Building Or Strengthening An Integrity Chapter
  • Electing And Lobbying Bishops, Deputies, And Other Key Leaders
  • Submitting And Passing Diocesan Convention Resolutions
  • Working With Allies
  • Communicating Effectively With Marshall Ganz's Public Narrative Approach
  • Using Print and Broadcast Media
  • Action Planning


Friday, May 7th

12:00 pm Registration
1:00 pm Afternoon Session
6:00 pm Buffet Dinner [provided]
7:00 pm Evening Session
9:00 pm Compline

Saturday, May 8th

8:00 am Continental Breakfast [provided]
8:30 am Morning Prayer
9:00 am Morning Session
12:00 pm Boxed Luncheon [provided]
1:00 pm Afternoon Session
3:00 pm Adjourn


The workshop will be facilitated by Neil Houghton, Integrity Vice President for Local Affairs, and Matt Haines, Integrity's Province 8 Coordinator.

A courtesy block of 10 rooms has been reserved for May 7th at the following hotel.  The rate is $109--which includes free parking, breakfast, and WiFi.  You are responsible for making your own hotel reservations.  Mention "Integrity" when making your reservation.  Reservations must be made by April 16th to receive the quoted rate.

525 Spruce Street
San Diego, CA 
Reservations: 800-874-2649 or 619-291-0999

A few local Integrity members are willing to host guests in their homes at no cost.  If you are interested in this option, please contact...

Robert Heylmun 
Diocese of San Diego Coordinator


There is no registration fee for this workshop.  However, you are responsible for your own travel, lodging, and meal expenses unless otherwise stated.


A limited amount of $150 scholarships are available to help defray participant's travel and lodging costs.  If you would like to take advantage of this offer, please indicate this when you register.


The following meals will be provided:
  • Buffet Dinner on Friday, May 7th
  • Continental Breakfast on Saturday, May 8th
  • Boxed Luncheon on Saturday, May 8th

If you have special dietary needs or preferences, please indicate this when you register.


Meeting venues are wheelchair accessible.  If you require other accommodation [such as an ASL interpreter, please indicate this when you register.

Air Travel & Ground Transportation

San Diego International Airport is the most convenient.  Several budget airlines serve this location.

The Park Manor Suites does not provide shuttle service.  A taxi between the airport and the hotel or either meeting venue will cost about $10.



If you any questions, please contact...

Matt Haines
Province 8 Coordinator

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