Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Action Alert | 3 Steps For ENDA

Here are things YOU can do  to move forward the Employment Nondiscrimination Act during the Congressional recess:

  1. VISIT House Members In District Offices.  Get an appointment, drop by their office, and definitely leave a note
  2. WRITE Your Representative.  Handwritten is best, so mail it, or send an email.
  3. CALL Your Representative today! Call the U.S. Capitol switchboard at (202) 224-3121. Give the operator your zip code and ask to be connected to your Representative.
Suggested voicemail message:

My name is _______ , and I live at (your street address) in (your city). I am calling about ENDA.  My message is simple and direct: we need committee markup and a House vote on ENDA the week of April 12. Thank you.

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