Monday, May 17, 2010

First Leg of Bishop Christopher Senyonjo's US Speaking tour a big success in Los Angeles

Los Angeles, California (May 17, 2010)--Bishop Christopher Senyonjo, the Ugandan bishop who was inhibited from performing of his duties as a priest and bishop in the Anglican Church of Uganda as a result of his support of Integrity Uganda and the greater LGBT community, completed a successful week in the Los Angeles area.

 The retired Bishop met with secular and church leaders to inform and educate them about the plight of the LGBT community in Uganda. He remains one of the few voices in Uganda who has spoken out against the importation of homophobia from the US, the draconian "Anti-Homosexuality" bill pending in the Ugandan parliament and what needs to happen to change the climate of hatred and discrimination in Africa.

Those who heard Bishop Christopher speak enjoyed an historic opportunity to hear the personal witness of a courageous man of faith who has proclaimed God's inclusive love and spoken truth to power in Uganda. Bishop Christopher has been a valiant straight ally of the LGBT community and has experienced firsthand the cost of discipleship for his work and witness. He brought words of both hope and challenge of all those working for equality and inclusion in the church.

His ministry with Integrity Uganda could soon outlawed by the government, and Bishop Christopher could be put in prison for his support of LGBT Ugandans if Uganda's proposed "anti-homosexuality" bill becomes a law. He has strongly condemned the bill as a violation of the UN’s Declaration of Human Rights and a violation of the sacred bonds of the Ugandan extended family system. He calls the bill inhumane and was recently a part of a delegation to the Speaker of the House to reject the bill.

Bishop Christopher told audiences that what has sustained him during what he calls "the big storms of life" is his deep belief that the Gospel of Christ does not discriminate against anybody. He continues to spread the message that God loves everyone equally. Knowing this truth, he says, has set him free.

In coming weeks, Bishop Christopher will travel to San Francisco, Sacramento, Minneapolis, New York and Washington, DC.

Bishop Christopher's US speaking tour is sponsored by Integrity USA.

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