Monday, July 19, 2010

If you loved Bruce Garner's reflection.........

Today, past Integrity President Bruce Garner allowed us to post a reflection he sent to the House of Bishops & Deputies listserv about GC 1991 and the tremedous strides made after two deputies took the bold step to "come out" at that gathering.  It was an amazing "Believe Out Loud" action and Bruce shares with us what happened subsequently. It's a wonderful reflection and many have written to say how much they appreciate it.

Bruce lives in Atlanta, Georgia and he will be attending Integrity's Believe Out Loud workshop in Atlanta on August 6th and 7th. If you live in the area, it would be a great opportunity to meet Bruce in person and learn about his incredible work with Integrity in the past. To check out that workshop click here.

Believe Out Loud is a multi-demoninational campaign aimed at helping churches become fully inclusive of all people, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity.

BOL is a multi-denominational program which utilizes community organizing and social marketing strategies.  It is designed to support individuals and churches in their efforts toward LGBT inclusion.

A partnership of the country’s leading LGBT advocacy groups, both religious and secular, Believe Out Loud seeks to accelerate the existing Christian movement toward LGBT inclusion and significantly increase the number of local churches and denominations that are fully-inclusive of LGBT individuals, both in practice and policy. It works to create a widespread Christian movement for LGBT equality in the church and in broader society.

It’s not enough for us to silently believe that all are equal in God’s eyes. It is time for us to put our beliefs into action.

Break the silence.

Join the movement.

Believe Out Loud.

Plan to attend a BOL (Believe Out Loud!) workshop near you.

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