Friday, July 16, 2010

Today is an important "Believe Out Loud" Anniversary

From the Rev Susan Russell's blog:

Louie Crew draws our attention to the fact that today is an important anniversary:

On this day In 1991 Jane Garrett+, a deputy from Vermont, and Pat Waddell, a deputy from El Camino Real, came out as deputies at General Convention in Phoenix, the first deputies ever to do so. General Convention has never been the same since.

Nineteen years ago yesterday there were no "out" gay or lesbian deputies to the Episcopal Church's General Convention.
 Nineteen years ago today Jane and Pat ended the silence and spoke their truth to their Episcopal Church -- a giant step forward in living out the scriptural promise in John 8:32 that the truth WILL set us free.

Jane and Pat believed out loud. Integrity is asking members, parishes and dioceses to follow the lead of these early activists and join the Believe Out Loud in the Episcopal Church Campaign.

Jesus Christ called each of us to love one another.

At its core, this is what Believe Out Loud is about – helping churches live out this Christian principle by becoming fully inclusive of all people, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity.

Using community organizing and social marketing strategies, we support individuals and churches in their efforts toward LGBT inclusion. A partnership of the country’s leading LGBT advocacy groups, both religious and secular, Believe Out Loud seeks to accelerate the existing Christian movement toward LGBT inclusion and significantly increase the number of local churches and denominations that are fully-inclusive of LGBT individuals, both in practice and policy. In doing so, we seek to create a widespread Christian movement for LGBT equality in the church and in broader society.

It’s not enough for us to silently believe that all are equal in God’s eyes. It is time for us to put our beliefs into action.

Break the silence. Join the movement. Believe Out Loud.

Plan to attend a BOL workshop near you.

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