Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Bishop Christopher Responds To California Bill

Yesterday we posted the good news about the California State Senate's bill which supports Bishop Christopher in Uganda.

State Senate Calls on Federal Government to Help Stop Uganda’s Bill Criminalizing Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender People
Equality California-sponsored resolution condemns Uganda’s draconian law persecuting LGBT people
Sacramento – The California State Senate today passed a resolution (SR 51) condemning Uganda’s bill criminalizing lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people in 21-14 vote. Introduced by Senator Mark Leno (D-San Francisco) and sponsored by Equality California, the resolution urges the U.S. government to intensify its efforts to eliminate the criminalization of homosexuality worldwide as well as to take more caution when funding faith-based organizations to ensure that U.S. government funds and resources are accessible to women, minorities, and the LGBT community. Read the rest of the bill here.

Today Integrity's Vice President of National and International Affairs , Albert Ogle, who organized the bishop's visit received this email from him and he wants to share it with all those who worked so hard to make Bishop Christopher's vist to the US a tremendous success.
Dear Albert,

Thank you so much for this resolution. It is indeed a resolution that is needed as we work tenaciously towards equality for all human beings.

Best regards,
Bishop Christopher

"We still have much work to do," said Ogle, "but we are encouraged by the support given us from the secular community and especially the California State legislature and my coleagues at Equality California.

"Bishop Christopher left an impression on all those who met him whether it was people in the pews, crowds cheering in Pride parades or white house staffers....everyone is now much more aware of the crisis for LGBT folks in Uganda", said Ogle. "And we will continue this work until equality and justice for all really means ALL"

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