Monday, August 30, 2010

Breaking News: The Reverend Susan McCann is Stakeholder's Chair

Integrity USA is pleased to announce the Reverend Susan G. McCann as Chair of Integrity's Stakeholders Council. Susan also serves as a member of Integrity's Board of Directors. She is currently the Rector of Grace Episcopal Church in Liberty, Missouri, in the Diocese of West Missouri.

"Susan brings tremendous gifts to our Board and the Stakeholders Council," said Max Niedzwiecki, Integrity's Executive Director. "She took a conservative parish in Liberty, Missouri and transformed it into a radically inclusive, welcoming and affirming parish. Today, her parish, Grace Episcopal, is an Integrity Proud Parish Partner and a Believe Out Loud congregation.

Niedzwiecki continued, " She is currently the Chair of her Diocesan Listening Process. Susan's experience as a champion for inclusion models Integrity's work this triennium in dioceses and parishes throughout the Episcopal church and her insights into how to reconcile differences across divides are invaluable to our work as we move forward"

"We are very proud to have Susan as Chair of our Stakeholder's Council," said the Rev. Canon Albert Ogle, Vice President of Integrity's National and International Affairs. "She is a proven leader and a community builder. She has also served as a Diocesan Deanery Dean, a member of her Diocesan Council, and has served on her Diocesan Finance Committee and currently chairs the Diocesan Commision on Ministry. She is a past recipient of her community's Martin Luther King Award and she has been president of several community boards of directors.

"As Integrity looks ahead toward building up our membership and fundraising for our important work of securing blessings for same sex unions at our next General Convention in 2012, Susan's experience and input will be vital for Integrity," continued Ogle. "We are delighted that she brings a strong background in fundraising and I am proud to serve with Susan on our board."

Integrity's Stakeholders Council is made up of Provincial Coordinators, Past Presidents, the Board of Directors, Chapter Conveners, Diocesan Network Coordinators, Congregational Circle Moderators, Partner Representatives and Lifetime Members. The Stakeholders Council offers advice and counsel to the Board concerning the mission and ministry of Integrity, the organization's programs, resource development, leadership development, organizational alliances and collaborations and on any other matters, which the Board, from time to time, bring to the Council for its consideration.

McCann is married to The Ven. John H. McCann and the mother of three adult children. She fills the vacancy left by the resignation of Gretchen Renfro as Stakeholder's Chair and Integrity Board member.

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