Monday, August 23, 2010

For Your Information............

September - December 2010 consecrations, elections

From The Episcopal Church Office of Public Affairs

[August 23, 2010] In the next four months - September 1 to December 31- The Episcopal Church will witness the consecration of four bishops, the election of four bishops, and the canonical consent processes for four bishops-elect with one canonical consent process not yet underway.

Four consecrations for bishops, some still pending successful completion of the canonical consent process, are slated for September to December. Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori plans to officiate at all the consecrations.

September 4: Diocese of Alaska: the Rev. Mark Andrew Lattime,

September 25: Diocese of Kentucky: the Rev. Terry Allen White,
(pending successful completion of the canonical consent process)

October 22: Diocese of Rio Grande: the Rev. Dr. Michael Louis Vono,

November 6: Diocese of Utah: The Rev. Canon Scott Byron Hayashi,
(pending successful completion of the canonical consent process)

During September - December, four bishop elections are scheduled:

September 17-18: Diocese of Springfield
November 6: Diocese of West Missouri
November 20: Diocese of Western New York
December 4: Diocese of Northern Michigan

Canonical Consent Process
The canonical consent process is currently underway for four bishops-elect and the canonical process has not begun for one bishop-elect. The deadlines are:

- September 11: Diocese of Rio Grande: the Rev. Dr. Michael Louis Vono, elected April 24 (has received the required majority of consents in the canonical consent process)

- September 25: Diocese of Alaska: the Rev. Mark Andrew Lattime, elected April 10. (has received the required majority of consents in the canonical consent process)

- November 5: Diocese of Utah: the Rev. Canon Scott Byron Hayashi, elected May 22

- November 10: Diocese of Kentucky: the Rev. Terry Allen White, elected June 5

The canonical consent process has not begun as of yet for one bishop-elect:

- Diocese of Western Kansas: the Rev. Michael Pierce Milliken, elected August 21:

A recap of the process
Upon election, the successful candidate is a Bishop-Elect. Following some procedural matters including examinations, formal notices are then sent to bishops with jurisdiction (diocesan bishops only) with separate notices to the standing committees of each of the dioceses in The Episcopal Church. These notices require their own actions and signatures.

In order for a Bishop-Elect to become a bishop, Canon III.11.4 (a) of The Episcopal Church mandates that a majority of diocesan bishops AND a majority of diocesan standing committees must consent to the Bishop-Elect’s ordination as bishop. These actions - done separately - must be completed within 120 days from the day notice of the election was sent to the proper parties.

If the Bishop-Elect receives a majority (at least 50% plus 1) of consents from the diocesan bishops as well as a majority from the standing committees, the Bishop-Elect is one step closer. Following a successful consent process, ordination and celebration are in order.

However, if the majority of the diocesan bishops do not consent, and/or the majority of the standing committees do not consent, the Presiding Bishop, in accordance with Canon III.11.5, is required to declare the election null and void. In those cases, a person elected by the diocese will not be ordained.

(See When Is A Bishop A Bishop?: )

The Episcopal Church welcomes all who worship Jesus Christ in 109 dioceses and three regional areas in 16 nations. The Episcopal Church is a member province of the worldwide Anglican Communion.

Diocese of Alaska:
Diocese of Kentucky:
Diocese of Northern Michigan:
Diocese of Rio Grande: /
Diocese of Springfield:
Diocese of Utah:
Diocese of West Missouri:
Diocese of Western Kansas:
Diocese of Western New York

The Episcopal Church:

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