Thursday, August 12, 2010

Max Niedzwiecki Named New Executive Director of Integrity USA

Rochester, N.Y. - August 14, 2010
Corrected version

W.R. "Max" Niedzwiecki, PhD., of New Orleans, Louisiana has been selected as Executive Director of Integrity USA, announced Board President David Norgard today

“Max Niedzwiecki is the ideal person to lead Integrity USA into the future,” Norgard said. “These are exciting times for us as Integrity works to make the legislative victories won at General Convention 2009 a reality in every diocese and parish in the Episcopal Church. Max has a longstanding history of social justice advocacy and as a builder of national network organizations.”

"I am delighted that Max has accepted the call to serve as Executive Director of Integrity,” said Dr. Louie Crew, founder of Integrity. "Over the years, Integrity has grown into a mature, non-profit, LGBT advocacy organization and Max's appointment signals a new era for us. While we will still focus our work within the Episcopal Church, we have modeled inclusion for all denominations and our leadership influences the secular community as well."

The Rev. Susan McCann, Rector of Grace Episcopal Church in Liberty, Missouri and a straight ally said, "One of the things that attracted Max to Integrity USA was the fact that we bring together a national network of chapters and volunteers to pursue justice in their local communities and on the national stage. Max has great enthusiasm for Integrity USA’s goals which center on making the Episcopal Church fully inclusive of people who happen to be lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender (LGBT), and on bringing progressive faith-based perspectives to public debates of special concern to the LGBT community." McCann served on the committee which conducted an extensive nationwide search.

Integrity Board Member David Cupps, from Lexington, Kentucky, who also served on the search committee said, "Max brings a wealth of non-profit leadership experience to Integrity, especially as an Executive Director of organizations that unite hundreds of affiliates and volunteers together for the pursuit of common goals. I am pleased that he has joined our team, and I am excited about the gifts that he brings to our work for full inclusion in the church that we love and serve."

Before joining Integrity USA, Max served as Partner of Daylight Consulting Group, a firm specializing in making nonprofits and philanthropy more effective. At Daylight, his clients included the Ford Foundation Working Group on Philanthropy for Social Justice, the Urban Institute’s Center on Nonprofits and Philanthropy, the U.S. Office of Refugee Resettlement, the Asian American Justice Center, and other organizations that support communities in their quest for dignity and basic fairness.

Max joined the Episcopal Church in 1995 and has served as Secretary of his Integrity chapter in New Orleans. He has also served as a delegate to his diocesan convention. He holds a Ph.D. in Cultural Anthropology from Boston University and a B.A. in Clinical Psychology and Asian Studies from Tufts University. He lives in New Orleans with his partner of twenty-two years.


For more information contact:

Louise Brooks

Integrity USA Director of Communications


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